2012年10月11日 星期四




Hi there,

I really love things,and I bought the iPhone Version.
I now try the Mac version and try to co-work with my iPhone, Here's the problem I have now:
I hope when I add a item in my Today/Next Action/Scheduled , it will appear in my iCal automatically.
So that when I launch my iCal on my iPhone or Mac I can trace a week plan or month plan.
I tried to find some cues in preferences and it  didn't work like what I want.
please help me. thank you .

Hi ,

Sorry for the late reply, we are very busy at the moment. Great to hear how much you love Things.
In short, Things does not allow you to export tasks to a Calendar. To help you better understand why, let me explain the philosophy behind Things and how it is meant to be used.
Things allows you to capture, process, structure, and review the things you need to get done, in addition to creating a tactical list of items to accomplish during a day via the Today list. You might recognize these steps: Things’ design is informed by Getting Things Done, though it’s by no means endorsed by David Allen and we understand that people will use and want to use it in different ways. Essentially, the design and development team believes that, much like Allen lays out in his system, a system for managing your tasks is separate from a place where you keep explicit times and reminders. That’s better suited for a calendar.
The way I best understand Cultured Code’s design decision is this: we often mix up the times we’d like to finish something with a time when the thing is actually due, or, to be more direct, when the thing will become impossible or die altogether. This is important to remember with due dates, but could become even more fiddly and even more of a time suck with explicit times.
Keeping these tasks in a calendar allows you to manage your time-sensitive obligations with yourself and others. An example of something that needs a due date, to me, would be something like a meeting: you’ve scheduled a time with someone else, and that obligation you’ve created will be difficult, if not impossible to revisit if you miss it. You could reschedule it, but simply not showing up will cause problems, and you probably won’t be able to have the meeting if you simply show up two hours later. Thus, the due time in this scenario is much firmer and, I believe, better suited to a calendar.
Calendars (like Calendar/iCal and other apps) offer this kind of view of your obligations, in addition to bonuses like per-to-do alarms. Things doesn’t try to replicate the functionality found in a calendar. We think it’d add friction and more (though not more useful) metadata to project and task management, while ultimately not helping very much as there are already tools that do this much better.
Hope this helps you to understand the thought process this a bit more. Let me know if you have further questions, as I’d love to continue the discussion. We’re open to feedback, so thanks for letting us know how you feel.




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